New blog
I’ve deleted my old website (blog might be over-selling it) and setup home in a shiny new Svbtle blog. All because:
I enjoy writing and find it useful to organise my thoughts, but my old blog was difficult to update and couldn’t store draft ideas. Therefore I’d rarely update it, something I hope the new blog will encourage me to change.
I’m currently exploring minimalism beyond the possessions I own, looking at what I create, how and why. Removing the need to manage how the blog works lets me focus on the words.
I love the product (despite the name!) and have been keen to try it since becoming available for anyone to signup.
I considered copying across my old posts, but (unsurprisingly) they all felt dated. So I’ve gone for a fresh start, with just a list of old titles for continuity:
- Replacing your office fileserver with Dropbox, June 2010 - no longer have an office either!
- Cult of Less, December 2010 - I may quote my early thoughts in a future post on minimalism
- OSX software, December 2010 - also updated a few times over the years
- LAMP on OSX, August 2011 - all about the puppet and vagrant now, no need!
- Wishes for Beanstalk, March 2012 - mostly irrelevant since moving from SVN to Git :)